Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Reading Workshop

Today a letter came home inviting all parents to come in to class to see how reading is being taught in Room One, and to find out more about how to support your child at home when sharing books.  I'll be handing out some free games and resources to use at home too!

This workshop will be taking place on Thursday 28th February, at 9.00 a.m.

Positive experiences and an enjoyment of reading is highly linked to student achievement.  This is what we aspire to for ALL of our students, and together, we can give your child the best possible start towards a lifelong love of learning.

Monday, February 18, 2019

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The School Year Begins...

What a great start we've had to the new school year!  The children have arrived in Room One ready to go and excited for the learning ahead.

We have been enjoying our daily phonics sessions, which the children are beginning to apply to their reading and writing.  An invitation for a reading workshop will be coming out to you this week, so keep an eye out for that in book bags.  It would be great to see you there, and hopefully provide a lot of help for supporting your child in reading at home.

Thank you to everyone who came to our school assembly on Friday, the children are so excited to see you there.  If you'd like to learn more animal signs at home, we learned the Makaton signs for cow, sheep, pig, chicken, horse, and dog!

The routines at the beginning of the school year can sometimes take a little while to get established, so please do pop in and ask if you have any questions, and look out for the notices on the class door for important information.

Thank you for a super welcome to Blaketown School,

Miss Bamford